This Viva Payments WHMCS payment gateway is designed for making credit card payments through Viva.
This payment gateway uses the redirect method where the user is redirected to the processing site (Viva Payments) to make the actual payment.
After payment verification, Viva Payments notifies the merchant's e-commerce site and returns the customer back to it. This process is transparent for the customer. The merchant can then connect to his Viva Payments backoffice to administer his payments.
Licensed per domain, write the domain name(s) on payment page.
You will receive the module by e-mail after your payment.
Compatible with WHMCS
Viva Payments Redirection Smart Checkout API V2
Tested: WHMCS v8.8.x
The package includes installation instructions.
Server requirements: ionCube loader
Plugin version: 1.0.0
Last plugin update: 30-08-2024
Installation Instructions:
-Upload the files to the modules/gateways directory
-In WHMCS go to Apps & Integrations, select Viva Payments and click activate.
-Configure the payment gateway and save changes.
-Create a live or demo account for testing, see
-Copy Merchant ID and API Key to the plugin settings, see
-Create smart checkout credentials (Client ID/Client secret) to use in the plugin settings, see
-Create a payment source (redirection/native checkout v2)
Enable the Cancel option under advanced settings in the payment source
Success URL: modules/gateways/callback/viva.php
Fail URL: modules/gateways/callback/viva.php
-An optinal webhook URL can be set in your Vivawallet backoffice -> Settings/API Access/Webhooks, this assures the order will be handled
correctly in case the customer does not return to the estore after the transaction:
WEBHOOK URL: http(s)://(www.)