This Magento 1 Paysafecash payment gateway is designed for making cash / wallet payments through Paysafecash.
This payment gateway uses the redirect method where the user is redirected to the processing site (Paysafecash) to make the actual payment or to generate a barcode that can be used to pay at your nearest payment point.
After payment verification, Paysafecash notifies the merchant's e-commerce site and returns the customer back to it. This process is transparent for the customer. The merchant can then connect to his paysafecard backoffice to administer his payments.
Licensed per domain, write the domain name(s) on payment page.
You will receive the module by e-mail after your payment.
Compatible with Magento 1.7 - 1.9+
REST API - payment / refund / webhook
The package includes installation instructions.
Server requirements: ionCube loader
Plugin version: 1.0.0
Last plugin update: 09-04-2020
Installation Instructions:
1. Unzip the package and copy the the files to the root of your Magento installation. The directories opn 1. This package has been developed for Magento 1.9 and has been tested on Magento 1.9.4.
Unzip the package and copy the files to the root of your Magento installation, the package only
contains new files, no existing files are overwritten.
2. After uploading the files login to your Magento admin, clear caches and in case the compiler is
active, recompile.
3. You should now have the new payment method Paysafecash that you have to configure now.
In case you want to have the facility to refund payments, enable the invoice option in the extensions settings. Refunds can only be made for orders that are invoiced (open the invoice in that
case, click Credit Memo and Refund Online)
4. Enable logging to debug any problems, the log file is located at var/log/paysafecash.log.
The extension also uses a new database table (paysafecash_data) that contains information
regarding transactions.
5. Extract the public key from the rsa key file sent with the data package from Paysafacash
with following commands: openssl rsa -RSAPublicKey_in -in webhook_signer_MANXXXXXXXXXX_1.rsa
-out webhook_signer_MANXXXXXXXXXX_1_extracted.pem then store this public key preferable
outside the webroot. Specify the absolute path to this file in the payment methods settings.
6. In case there is a problem with receiving the Authorization header at your webhook, you might try
adding following code to your .htaccess file SetEnvIf Authorization .+ HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$0 or
contact your hosting provider for a solution.