HikaShop - Monek Online Payments


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This Monek HikaShop payment gateway is designed for making credit card payments through Monek Online Payments.

This payment gateway uses the redirect method where the user is redirected to the processing site (Monek Online Payments) to make the actual payment.

After payment verification, Monek Online Payments notifies the merchant's e-commerce site and returns the customer back to it. This process is transparent for the customer. The merchant can then connect to his Monek Online Payments backoffice to administer his payments.

Licensed per domain, write the domain name(s) on payment page.
You will receive the module by e-mail after your payment.

Compatible with HikaShop 4.x/5.x - Joomla! 4.x/5.x
Monek Online Payments
The package includes installation instructions.
Server requirements: SSL / PHP 5.6+ / ionCube loader

Plugin version: 4.0.3
Last plugin update: 22-09-2021

Installation Instructions:
1) Install the [plg_monek_hikashop.zip] plugin through Joomla extension manager (Install).
2) Activate and configure the Hikashop Monek Payment Plugin (HikaShop / System / Payment methods)

Upload the below HTML files to your Secure Hosting account. We recommend uploading the default files first, testing, then amending these files as required. File uploads are managed within your Secure Hosting and Payments account via the menu option 'Settings -> File Manager':

SH Reference - This is the SH Reference for your Secure Hosting and Payments account. This is also known as the Client Login, you will find the value for this within the Company Details section of your Secure Hosting and Payments account.
Check Code - This is the second level security check code for your Secure Hosting and Payments account, it is a second unique identifier for your account. The value of your check code can be found within the Comany Details section of your Secure Hosting and Payments account.
File Name - This is the file name of the payment page template you need to upload to your Secure Hosting and Payments account. The file name of the example template provided with this integration module is "htmlpay.html". You can rename this file if you desire, you only need to ensure the name of the file you upload to your Secure Hosting and Payments account is correctly set here.

Shared Secret
================= The integration uses the Callbacks from Secure Hosting feature to update your sites backend, confirming that an order has been placed. It is strongly recommended that the Callbacks are secured by a Shared Secret value, generating a unique verification string, known only to yourself and Secure Hosting. The secret phrase should be 8 characters or longer. In order to activate the Shared Secret callback verification, enter your Shared Secret value in the plugin interface and within the Advanced Settings of your Secure Hosting account. The Shared Secret value can be anything you want, it just needs to be the same in both Store and Secure Hosting. For more information on verifying Callbacks, please refer to page 22 of the SHP Technical Integration Guide which can be found https://cs.monek.com/portal/kb/articles/shp-technical-integration-guide.

The transaction process is as follows:
Customer redirects from your website to the Secure Hosting payment template to enter card details. (Order is created within Shop and is set to Created).
Customer enters card details and redirects back to the Shops success page.
Secure Hosting makes a callback to your website to confirm payment has been made. (Order is updated to Confirmed).
Goods can now be shipped.

You can enable test mode and put through test transactions using the test card details within our integration guide. Don't forget to turn this off before going live!

========================== = Advanced Configuration = ====================== = Advanced Secuitems =
The Secure Hosting and Payments system supports the facility to secure your checkout from tampering, the facility is supported by the Advanced Secuitems feature. In order for the Advanced Secuitems to work correctly, it must be correctly configured in both the Stores Admin Interface and your Secure Hosting and Payments account. The settings for the Advanced Secuitems functionality within your Secure Hosting and Payments account are found within the Advanced Settings section of the account.

Activate Advanced Secuitems - In order to activate use of the Advanced Secuitems, set to "Yes". You will also need to activate the feature within your Secure Hosting and Payments account, this is performed by checking the below setting: Activate advanced secuitems security -

In addition to activating the Advanced Secuitems in your Secure Hosting account, you must enter "transactionamount" into the list of fields to be encrypted.

Advanced Secuitems Phrase - When securing your checkout, the Secure Hosting and Payments system uses a unique phrase to create it's encrypted string. The phrase entered into your Stores web site here must match the phrase configured within the Advanced Settings section of your Secure Hosting and Payments account otherwise the system will block your transactions.

Shopping Cart Referrer - As part of the security in generating the encrypted string, the Secure Hosting and Payments system needs to verify the shopping cart request, this is done by checking the referrer. The referrer configured here must match the referrer configured within your Secure Hosting and Payments account within the Advances Settings. An example referrer for your site would be "http://www.mysite.com/checkout/checkout/confirm".

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