Eurobank with instalments for Magento 2


Available Options

This Magento 2 Eurobank payment gateway is designed for making credit card payments through Eurobank (Greece).

This payment gateway uses the redirect method where the user is redirected to the processing site (Eurobank) to make the actual payment.

After payment verification, Eurobank notifies the merchant's e-commerce site and returns the customer back to it. This process is transparent for the customer. The merchant can then connect to his Eurobank backoffice to administer his payments.

This module supports free and charged instalments.

Compatible with Magento 2.4.x
Eurobank Cardlink/Worldline
The package includes installation instructions.

Plugin version: 1.0.22
Last plugin update: 24-04-2024

Installation Instructions:
1 - unzip the package in your Magento installation, only new files will be added to the app/code/Webit/Eurobnk folder
2 - enable module: bin/magento module:enable --clear-static-content Webit_Eurobnk
3 - upgrade database: bin/magento setup:upgrade
4 - deploy command: bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
5 - flush command: bin/magento cache:flush
6 - compile command: bin/magento setup:di:compile

In order to deactivate the module bin/magento module:disable --clear-static-content Webit_Eurobnk
In order to update static files: bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

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