CScart - MP Virtual API


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This MP Virtual API CS-Cart payment gateway is designed for making credit card payments through MP Virtual API.

This payment gateway uses the redirect method where the user is redirected to the processing site (MP) to make the actual payment.

After payment verification, MP system notifies the merchant's e-commerce site and returns the customer back to it. This process is transparent for the customer. The merchant can then connect to his MP backoffice to administer his payments.

Licensed per domain, write the domain name(s) on payment page.
You will receive the module by e-mail after your payment.

Compatible with CS cart 4.x.x
The package includes installation instructions.
MP Virtual API
Server requirements: SSL PHP 5.3+ / ionCube loader

Plugin version: 4.12.2
Last plugin update: 04-04-2020

Installation Instructions:
1. Open a merchant account at, upload the files from the package.
2. Backup your database and execute following sql statements (with phpmyadmin for example):
INSERT INTO `cscart_payment_processors` (`processor`, `processor_script`, `processor_template`, `admin_template`, `callback`, `type`) VALUES ('myPOS', 'mypos.php', 'views/orders/components/payments/cc_outside.tpl', 'mypos.tpl', 'Y', 'P');

INSERT INTO `cscart_language_values` (`lang_code` ,`name` ,`value`) VALUES ('en', 'mypos_transaction_fail', 'The transaction could not be completed. This may have happened due to a temporary connection problem. If the problem persists, please contact us for support.'), ('el', 'mypos_transaction_fail', 'The transaction could not be completed. This may have happened due to a temporary connection problem. If the problem persists, please contact us for support.'), ('en', 'mypos_shipping', 'Shipping'), ('el', 'mypos_shipping', 'Έξοδα αποστολής'), ('en', 'mypos_handling', 'Handling'), ('el', 'mypos_handling', 'Πρόσθετα έξοδα'), ('en', 'mypos_discount', 'Discount'), ('el', 'mypos_discount', 'Εκπτώσεις'), ('en', 'mypos_transaction_cancel', 'Transaction cancelled by user.'), ('el', 'mypos_transaction_cancel', 'Transaction cancelled by user.');

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `myposdata`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `myposdata` ( `mp_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `mp_oid` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL, `mp_ref` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL, `mp_amount` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL, `mp_currency` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `mp_ipcmethod` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL, `mp_orderstate` char(1) DEFAULT NULL, `mp_txid` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL, `mp_stan` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`mp_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB;

3. Add a the new payment method through your store admin,
a. select from dropdown template -cc_outside.tpl-
b. select from dropdown processor -myPOS-
c. select payment category -Internet Payments-
d. add a title
e. in the configure tab, specify credentials
f. save settings

NOTE: SSL must be properly enabled and configured as it is a requirement from myPOS for posting the transaction notification.

Absolute path private key: path to the stores private key, example: /var/home/certs/private_key.txt

Absolute path myPOS public certificate: path to myPOS public certificate, example: /var/home/certs/mypos_public_certificate.txt

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